Played to win 29 of the last 30 Grade 1 Major Championships
Played by the 2019 Grade 1 World Champions
Played to win all 5 Grade 1 Major Championships in 2019
Played by the 2019 Grade 2 Champion of Champions
Played by the Grade 3A World Champions
Played by the 2019 Juvenile World Champions
Played by the 2019 Novice Juvenile World Champions
Chesney Chanters & Reeds are based in Northern Ireland. We have been in the art of Reedmaking for 42 years and over the last 4 decades our Chanters & Pipe Reeds have been played to win multiple World Pipe Band Championships from Grade 1 to Juvenile.
Managing Director David Chesney has been a Reedmaker for 42 years. He spent many years designing and refining both the Chesney Copper and Brass Pipe reeds and today they are thee two most successful Pipe Reeds played in the World. David also designed and created the original Chesney Moulded Chanter, which was played by Field Marshal Montgomery, along with the Chesney Copper Pipe Reed, to win the World Pipe Band Championships in 1992 & 1993.
The Chanter that followed the original was the MK1 Chesney. This was the Chanter played by St Laurence O'Toole in 2010, along with the Chesney Brass Reed to win the World Pipe Band Championships. The new Chesney MK3 has been designed to harness the best of the previous Chesney chanters as it is customisable to suit both Chesney Copper or Brass Pipe Reeds This provides the player/band more flexibility along with increased stability and clarity.
Over the last decade we have had the worlds most successful bands chose our chanters and reeds to help them win the worlds biggest prizes. Almost all Grade 1 Major Championships in the last 10 seasons have been won playing Chesney pipe reeds or chanters and pipe reeds. In 2019 all 5 Grade 1 Major Championships were won playing Chesney Chanters and Reeds, as were all 5 Juvenile Major Championships.